
northern Kosciuszko trip

Submitted by Ingrid Maccioni on

8 of us has a wonderful trip we stayed 4 nights in the historic Caves House and Yarrangobilly caves where we visited 3 caves, one with hard hat and torch - we learnt all about stalactites, stalagmites, shawls and columns - stunningly beautiful caves. whilst there we had a swim in the thermal pool and walked along the yarrangobilly river. We took a drive along Long Pains drive to visit the Blue waterholes and Clarke gorge - a fabulous walk along the gorge crossing the river 10 times to get to the waterfall to have out lunch and then back- we also visited Coolamine homestead.

Leeches – and how to stop them becoming hitch-hikers

Submitted by Chris Shattock on

In our tall timber is a lovely place to walk, but being temperate rain forest it can be very wet and leeches love these conditions.

Land leeches are common on the ground or in low foliage in wet rain forests. In drier forests they may be found on the ground in seepage moistened places. Most do not enter water and cannot swim, but can survive periods of immersion.